Look after your heart

Show your ticker a little love with these strategies:

* Get at least 7 hours sleep- Those who have an average of 6 or fewer hours have higher levels of inflammatory markers than those who are well-rested.

* Keep up with your exercise- not every session has to be the hardest but it is important to keep moving every day by incorporating more walking (e,g walking up the stairs or to work) with regular weight and cardiovascular training.

* Eating more thoughtfully- having the right nutrition plan can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease. Here are some tips on how to improve your food intake: Controlling your portion control. eating more vegetables and 1 to 2 pieces of fruit per day, be selective with your grains, limit unhealthy fats and eating more healthy oils.

* Embrace the ‘time out’- stress management should be a part of your daily life as chronically elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol is linked to cardiovascular disease. Try different ways of reducing your stress levels, such as meditation, deep breathing, or reading something not work related to help cool the stress.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please leave us a comment below or contact us at info@club360.jp